Windows App Latest update

The latest Windows update seems to have broken many features for me.

The app is now crashing after updating times or adding new tasks to the log.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Hello Kenneth,

Thanks for using the Clockify Forum!

Please contact our Support Team at so you can share some more details with us, and we can investigate the issue you are facing further.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Hi John,

I sent an email to and have yet to receive a response. What is the normal timeline to hear back?

Hey Kenneth,

I would just like to check if everything is resolved, or you still need our help?

Please let me know what’s the ticket number, or which email address you wrote us from.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Hi John,

I sent an e-mail from and have never heard back from

Please still provide help. The latest updates have fixed the crashing issues but still experiencing bugs.

Hello Kenneth,

I can see from our end that you have contacted us and we have replied within 30 minutes, but our email might not have reached you.

The Team has released a new 1.7.5. version of the app, so would you mind downloading that one and checking if the issues still remain?


Hi David,

Yep, looks like it got tossed into Outlook Spam. I’ll respond to the E-mail chain, ticket 145522. I am still seeing the bug after the update to 1.7.5.

Best Regards,