Why is there no more strictly chronological order of entries in Reports --> Detailed?

Regarding the browser access, the entries in Reports → Detailed have always worked fine for me. The chronological order can be reversed by pressing the the “Time” link, thus sorting the entries chronologically by date and within a day from oldest to newest or newest to oldest.
A couple of days ago I realized an unwanted change here: While sorted by date from oldest to newest, later time entries WITHIN a day come before older ones. Or the other way around: When sorted by date from newest to oldest, older time entries WITHIN a day come before later ones.
This was definitely not the case before and interferes with my work flow, as I need all entries in strict chronologial order (in the Clockify app all entries are still displayed in strict chronological order).
By the way, now the order in exported PDF does not correspond to the browser order but is a mix of correct strictly chronological entries within a day and some of them incorrect.
So why did this change and how can it be displayed strictly chronologically like before?

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Hi Felix!

Welcome to the Clockify forum.

Our team is aware of the sorting issues you mentioned and is currently working on resolving them so all should be back as it was after that.
In case you wish to follow progress or you notice anything else, please reach us at support@clockify.me


I am having the same issue, and it also extends to exporting to Excel

I just noticed this same issue yesterday when I ran a report which I provide to my manager on days I work remotely. My projects are no longer able to be sorted in chronological order. I will bookmark this to see when this is resolved. Thank you for working on it!

Another one who ran a report after the break and was left scratching his head with the ordering (or lack of). Glad to hear it’s being worked on, thank you.


I hope you are doing today. Kindly note that our team is investigating this issue right now and we hope that the time sorting issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

You can reach out to support@clockify.me for updates on the progress of this investigation.


I have the same issue within invoicing. I prefer my detailed list of work done to be in chronological order–the order they appear in the calendar would be good. Ridiculous that I have to “bubble sort” the entries on the invoice before I send it out. I hear computers are really good at that sort of thing…

Please consider filling out the Feature suggestion form on this link HERE.

While I can’t promise if or when this is going to be implemented, submitting it through the feature suggestion form will put this feature under consideration by the Product.

Here’s an update for my own question that lands squarely under the category of “Duh”.

When you set up the invoice with a detailed list, the “Date” item is buried as the 5th item, which is a bit dumb because for almost all my itemized invoices, it seems my clients always want them in chronological order. So the answer is simply this: Drag the Date field to be the first item in the row and voila:

The items will now be listed in chronological order.

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