Why is Clockify using 3GB of memory?!?

There’s no reason why a time tracking app should be taking up this much RAM.

Please fix this.

Hello there,

Thank you for using the Clockify Forum!

Would you mind reaching out to us at support@clockify.me for us to take a look at this issue?


I can beat that… my Clockify is used over 8GB of RAM. It’s absolutely crazy…

This happens all the time. I end up having to shut down and restart Clockify quite often to keep it’s memory usage in check. I’m going to try turning off “Auto Tracking” to see if this helps with RAM usage.

Here’s a fun game… I just beat the high-score.
Almost 13GB today.

But in all seriousness, Clockify, I hope you fix this at some point…

Hi @jleeid and @jmeeej,

Sorry for the inconvenience, we are currently resolving this issue.

It will be fixed with the new version of the app.

Have a nice day!