Unauthorized to get all Time Off requests

Hi everyone!
I’m trying to get all Time off requests of the team using https://pto.api.clockify.me/v1/workspaces/:workspaceId/requests but I can only get my requests. I assume that since I’m using an API Key that was generated by my user (regular user), I won’t be allowed to get the time off requests of the other users.
I would like to know if there is a way to add permissions to see the other’s requests or if I need to be an admin user to do it.

Thanks a lot.

Hi Mateus,

If you would like to get the time off requests of other users you need to have an Admin role in the workspace or you would have to be a Team Manager of users in order to see their requests.

Hope this helps.


Thanks a lot Nicola.
This helped me a lot.

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