Time tracker: erase the search pattern

In Time tracker, there is a useful feature of searching previous entries, which saves me a lot of time.
In my case, many if not most of time entries have empty description, since they are already determined by project and task.
However, when searching such a time entry, and confirming its selection, I would expect that the description clears out, but instead, the search pattern remains there, so I have to clear it manually every time.

(Note that sometimes the search pattern indeed clears out, but in most cases it does not. I suppose there is a bug.)

Such a description is completely useless (and often also incomplete - it’s just a search!), so I don’t see a reason why to keep it.

Also, I would like to request to extend the amount of searched previous time entries. For example, in Time tracker, I have configured 200 items per page, but some of the latter ones are not being considered for searches any more.

Hi @tomaqa,

Thanks for the feedback! I noted your problem and will let you know when we start working on it.

Have a nice day!