Retain Auto tracker history longer than 7 days

I’m not sure what the reason is for limiting the number of days of Auto Tracker’s history to 7 days, but I’m finding I need at least 30 days as I tend to add items at the end of each month for invoicing clients. Could you please add more days to the history? I would love if it kept all history, or at least the option to set how many days before deleting history in settings.

Thanks in advance.

Hi there. Thank you so much for sharing your idea with us. We have some great news. In future updates, the Auto tracker will save the tracked activities for 45 days. This feature should be available in coming months. Hope this helps. Cheers!

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Thanks for the update Stephen. That is great news! Looking forward to the update.

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Requested same feature some months ago.
Nice to know Clockify team will implement it in near future.

Yes, I would like to have it longer aswell, 45days would be perfect to cover the Invoicing period. thank you

Hello Bernd,

Thank you for using the Clockify Forum!

Appreciate your feedback on this, I will gladly add your vote for this feature and forward it to the Product Team.


has this been implemented yet or is it still in the works?

Hi @jleeid,

This hasn’t been implemented yet. We add the comment here once it goes live.

Have a nice day!