Persist Login on Windows App

I know this issue has been raised a few times in the past, but it is still a problem.

I get logged out of the app every day or so - cannot quite define the exact trigger as sometimes it will remain logged in after sleep - but generally need to re-login every day or two.

The last post on this issue is a bit useless, as support just ask for it to be dealt with via email - so no further info…

Link below is the log that covers the latest of these issues - as you can see the PC slept a couple of times and resumed OK, but then auth was triggered and failed due to invalid token.

Please advise

Update: It has been every day this week - computer sleeps overnight and upon wake Clockify has logged itself out again.

Hello there,

Appreciate you using the Clockify Forum.

If you could write to us to raise a case at it would be really helpful as the Support Team can raise the request with the Dev team if needed.


I have sent an email to support as requested. I will post any response I get here - for the next person.

So, it’s been a few months, any responses? I’m having exactly the same issue. ~ Doug