New update of the desktop app to 1.7.88 broke time tracking controls

Just updated Clockify to 1.7.88 for Windows. Have issues.

Major: I cannot click on blue ‘play’ triangle of the recent task and continue working on it. Moreover I cannot click via mouse on big blue ‘Play’ button to start task. So, time tracking is broken.
Workaround: put cursor on top field where description should be and press Enter. That will start timer. Then you can edit the details. Or use Web-interface.

By the way, on this website I cannot close Cookies settings popup via cross button, Accept All and Reject All. Customize button works, but I cannot press Save button.

Minor: Russian translation is somewhat funny :slight_smile: I suggest you to give the localization file to some native speaker to avoid wrongly used synonims and infinitive verbs. Switched back to English,

Hi Maksim,

We are sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with the app. Please reach out to us at so we can investigate this further.


I’m having similar issues. While I can hit the play button to start logging, I’m not able to edit anything in desktop client. The “Save” button just doesn’t register anything. I can go to the web interface and update entry details (time start, comments, related project, etc).

It seems like the same issue started this morning in 1.7.87 which prompted me to upgrade to 1.7.88. But the upgrade didn’t resolve the issue.