Making every new time record not billable by default

Hi, I would like to set every new time record as not billable by default. This should include re-runs of already existing tasks, even if they were marked (manually) as billable by me before.
How can I achieve it?

Hi Radrow and welcome to Clockify forum!

  1. I would suggest you first go to your Workspace page > Settings > and set New projects are by default: Non-billable.

This will make every new project non-billable by default so when you create new time entries on these projects they will be non-billable.

  1. Then, it would be a good idea to go to your existing projects on your Project page and use the filter options to find the projects that you have set to be billable.

Edit each project by clicking on its name and switch to Project Settings tab then switch off “Billable by default” option.

If you have the Premium or Enterprise subscription you can do this in a bulk for all projects.

Now the new time entries you create on your projects will be non-billable by default.

  1. Lastly, if you already have time entries that you set to be billable you can change their billable status either on your Time Tracker page or in the Detailed report.

Go to the Detailed report and use filters to filter only billable entries. Then change their billable status by clicking on the currency symbol in the list of these entries. If the currency symbol is blue the entry is billable, if it is gray then it is non-billable.

Again, if you have a Premium or Enterprise subscription, you can do this in a bulk by selecting multiple entries at once.

Otherwise, you can go to your Time Tracker page and change the billability status of each entry there.

Hi, thanks for the answer!
It partially solves the problem. The thing I’m still missing is making new time entries non billable by default even if I resume already existing billable entry by clicking the |> button

I see what you mean now, thanks for the clarification.

Unfortunately, this is not something we plan to change at the moment. The continue button is designed to “continue” exactly the same time entry including it’s existing billability status.