Issue with Setting "Estimate Type" to Manual via API and Hours Not Being Applied

Hi Clockify team,

I’m experiencing an issue when creating projects via Specifically, I’m trying to set the Estimate Type to “Time Estimate” and provide an estimate for the number of hours, but the API seems support “Auto” and “Manual”. Setting to Manual, despite sending the correct data, the number of hours is not being applied to the project.

Is there a known issue with the API or any specific format or approach I should be following to ensure the estimate hours for the project are correctly applied?
Just to give you a context: this needed to automate the creation of prepaid hour packages for clients.


Hi @Francesco_Canovi

Currently, the estimate can’t be set from the project creation endpoint as the “active”: "true isn’t available for the estimate there.

Please try setting the estimate after creating the project with a patch request. After creating the project, run the Update project estimate call:
Method: PATCH:
“Headers”: “x-api-key” & “apikey” & “Content-Type” - “application/json”

  "timeEstimate": {
    "active": true,
    "estimate": "PT3H",
    "includeNonBillable": true,
    "type": "MANUAL"

I hope this helps.

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