Invoice design, header/footer

App is so neatly designed and practical so invoices design really pokes me in the eye :slight_smile: I can live with it, but would be nice to be able to do something. Making several designs seems too much work but maybe something simpler?

In example custom header and footer. Here, I have to put some legal smallprint on every invoice and also more details about issuer (bank account nr., VAT ID, etc.). Usually, people put this in header and footer. I found a workarround and used my address to put my bank account nr. and VAT ID in. Then I used “Notes” to put legal smallprint at the bottom. But it’s doesnt look too nice :slight_smile:

Some simple HTML editor for header/footer, with some tokens like {logo} {company_name} {address} would be awesome. Custom fields for companies that would also be available as token would be even better.

But at least text header/footer is really needed.

Hi @mirko

Thank you for joining the Clockify Forum and for sharing your thoughts on the design of invoices.
The logo appears in invoices, which is the workspace logo that you can upload in “Workspace settings” by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the workspace name.

I definitely understand how useful a feature to add additional details in the header and the footer of the invoice and I’ve gone ahead and submitted your idea as a feature request to our product team.

While a HTML editor isn’t currently on our immediate roadmap, I can see how it would greatly benefit in customizing invoices.

Once again, thank you for your suggestion.

Have a great day!