How can I export data from auto-tracker?

I want to export data from auto-tracker to get some statistics from it. Can I do this? It will be great to export in CSV format.


Hello there,

Thank you for contacting us!

We vastly appreciate you taking the time to bring this suggestion to our attention.

Although the current design of the app is not allowing us to export data from Autotracker, I can definitely see how adding such usability will come in pretty beneficial for you in this case.

Therefore, I’ll be more than happy to submit a feature request on your behalf for Product Team to consider in future updates.

While I’m not able to give you an ETA or promise anything further, I would like to encourage you to let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to add about this or any other use case you intend to achieve.

And if we can help you with anything additional, don’t hesitate to reach us at

We’ll be happy to help!

Have a great day.

Thank you for your answer.
Where exactly is auto-tracker data stored on PC and in which format?

Hello there,

Kindly note that the data for Auto-Tracker is not stored on the PC since the users need to create time entries out of what has been tracker in the Auto-Tracker in order for those records to be saved.


According to the website for Auto-Tracking

Data recording #

  • All recorded data is stored locally on your computer (nothing is sent online)

I too was wanting find the data locally stored so I could extract it into a workable format thereby making my time-tracking life even easier.