Forgetting to start/stop timer

It’s a really great idea to auto start/stop timer. You provide it for just one start and one end time. I want something like that, is it possible or are you planning to add a feature like this:

  • I will make my plan on clockify or on an integrated app like Google Calendar,
  • Plan would be like work1 (08:00-11:00), work2 (12:00-14:00), work3 (15:00-20:00)
  • Then clockify would remind me to start the work1 when it is 07:55 (or how much earlier I choose it to remind me),
  • Also clockify would start the timer at 08:00 and end it at 11:00. Both of the times it will inform me with a Mac or browser notification.
  • So I can plan my day, week, may be the whole month on clockify and it would be my only app for tracking my work!
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