Feature Request: Complete task from time tracker page

Once you have recorded time for a task you may decide that that action has completed the task. At the momnet it is a long walk to get to the task from the time tracker entry - even double clicking the tsk text on the entry (which looks like a hyperlink) only opens the list of tasks. So you have to take a note of the task and project, go to the project page, find the project, then the task and then finnaly you have an option to mark as done. It would be really useful to have an option on the … menu for an entry on the Time Tracker page that currently shows Delete and Duplicate to Complete Task and that would then mark the task associated with the time entry as complete (done).

Hi James,

Thank you for taking the time to elaborate on your suggestion.

I have filed your feedback as a feature request to our Product team so they can have in mind this feature improvement for future development.
