Desktop App - Update

I’m using this tool for years now and I have only one suggestion for the Desktop app.
Could you please add a button or something else that will check if a newer version was released?
I’ve used the app for months without knowing that the latest version (with bug fix, changed layout) has been released.

Let me know

Hi Stefano, thanks for writing!

We’ll assume you use the Mac Desktop app (because Windows app updates itself automatically).

Update depends on whether you’ve downloaded the app via App Store or manually from our site.

  • If it’s via Apple’s App Store, then you’ll have to manage updates via App Store.
  • If via our website, the desktop app will ask you if you wish to update. If you decline, you can always open Settings icon and you’ll see the Update option in the menu.

Hope that helps!

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actually I’m using the Windows app, that I’ve downloaded from your website.
From which update it will automatically self-update?

Starting from v1.7.1 the update is automatic (launched 12.08.2019.)

When you start the app, you get a message that it is updating and it launches automatically once the update is finished.

That update also lets you resize the app window and create projects.

If you don’t have it, you can simply download it from our website and install it (it replaces the older version, while keeping data intact).

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What about Linux (Ubuntu). I have found no way to know if there is an update. Additionally, as I downloaded the package from your website, it is not managed. Do you have a PPA?

Currently, the Linux version doesn’t have auto-update nor PPA. We’ll consider improving the distribution model in the future once we start more actively working on the desktop version again.

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