Clockify integration with Apple iCloud calendars

Clockify “native” integration with Apple iCloud calendars.

Am I alone out there wanting this?

It would be helpful to have a similar integration to the current Microsoft and Google Calendar Clockify integration. (Want to see an example of successful Apple calendar integration ? look at

This would allow you to see your events from Apple Calendar in Clockify and track their time.

I get where you’re coming from with wanting Clockify to integrate with Apple iCloud calendars. It would make life so much easier to have everything in one place. Unfortunately, as of now, Clockify doesn’t have a direct integration with iCloud calendars. It’s a bit of a bummer, but some workarounds might help. One thing you could try is using a third-party app like . It’s a neat tool that lets you sync different calendars and notes. You can set it up so that your Clockify entries can be viewed alongside your iCloud calendar events. It’s not a perfect solution, but it can help bridge the gap a bit. Another option is to manually export your Clockify time entries and import them into your iCloud calendar. It’s a bit more hands-on and not as seamless, but it gets the job done. Hopefully, Clockify will roll out direct iCloud integration in the future, but until then, these little tricks can make things a bit smoother.