Change week start and time of day?

I know how to change the week start in profile settings, but my issue is that I sometimes work mornings and I sometimes work nights, and my pay period ends Wednesdays at 6pm.

Essentially any work I do on Wednesday before 6pm will be in one week, and any work after that is part of the next week. Is there a way to get clockify to reflect this?

I see in the settings you can set both the week start and the day start, and I assumed that setting those to Wednesday and 6 pm would solve my issue but it hasn’t. No matter what, anything done on Wednesday starting at 12:00 am is included in the new week. I also tried setting it to Thursday and instead it just included all of Wednesday in the previous week.

Is there any way to get it to split the days?

Hi there. This is the expected behavior, as it would not be possible to separate a week in the middle of the day, so if the week start day is Wednesday, even 00:01 would count as Wednesday for the current week. Hope this helps. Cheers!

Is there a way to change the settings for each individual week then? Because for example, today is Wednesday and I worked both this morning and tonight. The hours I worked this morning are part of last week. The hours I am working tonight go towards the new week, as the new pay period has started. There’s no setting that can help reflect this? What is the Day Start function for?

Hi there!

It wouldn’t be possible to change day start time for every individual week, since the settings apply on all past and future weeks.

However, if you set up Thursday as first day of the week, then entries made during the Wednesday morning or through out the day will be in previous week (since last day is Wednesday).

Every time entry that is started after midnight, will transfer to next day, therefore if your shift starts after midnight this will be calculated for Thursday.

In case shift starts before midnight, it will get calculated for Wednesday, since Clockify takes into an account the day when entry started.

Hope this clarifies it a bit, and let us know if you have any additional questions.
